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We use Google Analytics software to collect information about how you use this website. We do this to help make sure the site is meeting the needs of its users and to help us make improvements, for example improving site search.

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Google Analytics & Vimeo set the following cookies:

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Further information about the cookies we use:

Leconfield Primary subject access requests:

The General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, states that individuals have the right to ask organisations to confirm whether or not these organisations hold and process their Personal Data.

This Personal Data could include your name, identification number, contact details, bank details, race, gender, age, health status, email address, location, online identifier and the like.

Individuals also have the right to access their Personal Data. They may do this in order to challenge the accuracy of such data and to request rectification of any inaccurate data.

‘Pupils learn to develop their independence from an early age.’


‘Pupils enjoy their role as ambassadors for the school, welcoming visitors and organising fundraising events.’


‘ The early years staff know their children well.’


‘One pupil, typical of many, said, ‘We should treat others as we expect to be treated ourselves.’


‘Pupils feel safe in school. Bullying is rare.’


‘Staff have given careful thought to what
children will learning each term.’


‘Leaders know how important it is for pupils to enjoy reading.’


mathematics, the ‘small steps’ of knowledge that pupils must learn are clearly identified.’


‘ Children learn to read as soon as they start at school. Welltrained staff skilfully help children to read with increasing confidence.’


‘Pupils are supportive of one another’


‘Pupils are confident that staff will help them if they have any concerns.’


the school, pupils behave well both in lessons and during social times.’


‘The safeguarding of pupils is a priority in school. Staff know pupils and families well.’


‘One group of pupils is supporting the community to develop a sensory garden in
the local area.’


‘Pupils listen carefully to other people’s opinions.’


‘There are consistent routines and high expectations.’


‘Children enjoy exploring the purposeful learning environment that staff have created for them.’


‘Pupils enjoy attending this school.’


‘Pupils learn how to stay safe, including when using the internet.’


‘Leaders ensure that staff have the training and support to meet the needs of pupils with SEND’


‘Learning builds on what pupils already know. Teachers have strong subject knowledge and support pupils to develop their reasoning skills.’


‘Leaders are working to further improve their curriculum.’


‘Leaders and teachers promote a respect of different cultures and ideas.’


‘ Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), are given extra support if
they fall behind.’


‘Pupils are respectful of people with different backgrounds or beliefs.’


‘Teachers encourage pupils
to read in a variety of ways.’


‘Pupils move around the school sensibly.’


‘Pupils enjoy taking part in a wide range of extra-curricular experiences, such as rugby club and choir.’


‘Leaders encourage pupils to take on responsibilities in school.’


‘There are respectful relationships between adults and pupils.’